
Somatic cells and stem cells divide by mitosis. Mitosis is completed through two main steps. Those  two steps are karyokinesis (nuclear division) and cytokinesis (cytoplasmic division). Karyokinesis is completed through four steps.

A. Prophase : In prophase, condensation of basically thin thread-like chromosomes starts. Due to this, they become short and thick and they start  to appear along with their pairs of sister chromatids. Centrioles duplicate and each centriole moves to opposite poles of the cells. Nuclear membrane and nucleolus start to disappear.

B. Metaphase : Nuclear membrane completely disappears in metaphase. Chromosomes complete  their condensation and become clearly visible  along with their sister chromatids. All chromosomes are arranged parallel to equatorial plane (central  plane) of the cell. Special type of flexible protein fibers (spindle fibers) are formed between centromere of each chromosome and both centrioles.

C. Anaphase : In anaphase, centromeres split and thereby sister chromatids of each chromosome separate and they are pulled apart in opposite directions with the help of spindle fibers. Separated  sister chromatids are called as daughter chromosomes. Chromosomes being pulled appear like bunch of bananas. In this way, each set of chromosomes reach at two opposite poles of the cell.

D. Telophase : The chromosomes which have reached at opposite poles of the cell now start to decondense due to which they again become thread-like thin and invisible. Nuclear membrane is formed around each set of chromosomes reached at poles. Thus, two daughter nuclei are formed in a cell. Nucleolus also appears in each daughter nucleus. Spindle  fibers completely disappear.

Mitosis is essential for growth of the body.
Besides, it is necessary for restoration of 
emaciated body, wound healing, formation of blood cells, etc.